HELLO! Friends , Do you know about the word "nebula". if not then let me tell you something about this...                                 A nebula is basically a cloud of dust and gases in the outer space... it is also called "niharika" in hindi.The first planetary nebula to be discovered was the Dumbbell Nebula, M27, by Charles Messier in 1764. He eventually added four to his catalog of astronomical objects. In 1790, Herschel found NGC 1514, a planetary nebula with a bright central star.
the nebula which is nearest to the earth is "M42". M42 is located at a distance of 1,344 ±20 light year...

    It is formed due to two reasons super nova event and intersteller material...then a question arises that what is super nova. so let me tell you about super nova..when a old star convetrts all its hydrogen in helium then due to nuclear fusion reaction a lot of energy releases with a huge blast... this event is called "super nova event"..
now, what is "intersteller medium". it is that matter which is present in the outer space. altough they exist separately but due to gravity they comes in contact with each other..
due to nebula which are nothing but are the clouds of gaseous ions ,helium , hydrogren and stars formed.. 
cluster near orion nebula

crescent nebula

Helix nebula
Planetary nebula
